$0.45 per image $0.65 per image
35mm Scans: Complete $0.25 per image
Cut $0.35 per image
Other Scans: 120 Complete
120 Cut
Mini Polaroids
110 Negs.
Print Scans: 400 DPI Standard 600 DPI High Res
5 x 7 or smaller $1.50 per image
8 x 10 $3.00 per image
11 x 14 + will be shot with a digital camera
Slide Scans: 35mm $1.50 per image - Over 50 $1.25 per image - Over 100 $1.00 per image
- Over 500 $0.85 per image
120mm $3.00 per image
4 x 5 $5.00 - $25.00 resolution dependent
Burning Digital Images: CD From Scans: $5.00
DVD From Scans: $10.00
Video Transfer: Includes: VHS, Mini DV, VHS-C, Hi-8
Videotape to DVD (2Hrs.): $29.95
Videotape to Digital File (2Hrs.): $19.95
DVD to digital file(2Hrs): $19.95
Images from DVD to USB: $10.00 per DVD
DVD Copies: $10.00
Movie Film (8mm or 16mm) to DVD: $39.95 per 2 Hr. + $0.16 per foot of film
$1.50 per splice to splice short rolls onto large roll for transfer process
Audio Transfer: Cassette to digital file: $19.95
Cassette to CD: $24.95 +$5 for each additional CD
CD to digital file: $9.95
Polaroid scans are done by Epson v850
Retouching and Restorations:
15 minute minimum
For originals with minor damage not exceeding three small repairs in non-critical regions. (Critical regions of repair include faces, hands, and sections with lost photographic emulsion containing essential photo details.)
Restore a significant repair area, OR perform color restoration on an undamaged photo, OR add or remove one individual in a group photo, OR apply colorization to a black and white photo that is intact, OR modify the background.
For severely damaged original photos with over three major areas in need of repair, OR for the combined service of photo repair and colorization, OR when you wish to add or remove multiple individuals in a group photo, OR if you want both colorization and restoration for a black and white photo.
For groups heavily affected by damage, involving more than five major areas requiring repair, OR for substantial photo restoration alongside color enhancement, OR when you want to add or remove more than three individuals.
Due to labor costs, we have a $5 minimum lab order and $19.95 minimum video transfer order.